Here it is, the first posting on a blog that, I hope, will stay literary for a change (for the not-so-literary see the LJ "Frostokovich" posts).
So...to business. Who am I and why am I posting?
My name’s Gregory Frost. I write fiction, novels and short stories, the occasional essay, and maybe one of these days a script or two. I also teach--at Swarthmore College where currently I share Fiction workshop directorship with author Rachel Pastan; at Clarion, the intensive 6-week science fiction and fantasy writing program that moved this year to San Diego, CA; in local (to me) workshops and programs of various flavors.
After many years of shifting gears (let's not add poetry to the list), I'm returning to the category of what wise academic Farah Mendlesohn calls "immersive fantasy" with a set of novels, a duology entitled SHADOWBRIDGE. The first of these is coming out in January from Del Rey Books (Random House). It is being gorgeously packaged, and I hope will catch fire as my first fantasy novel, LYREC, did lo many years ago when it was a bestselling fantasy title for a while. Nice to have been a bestseller; would like to do that again.
Well, there it is in short. Off now to write the fiction that drives this blog, and then to hear former Python Michael Palin read from his just-published ten-year diary of his time with the incomparable Pythons. That's the literary tango for today. We'll try some talk of teaching and learning and "very small rocks" later.
A bene placito--
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