LORD TOPHET, the sequel to SHADOWBRIDGE, released today, July 29th. This volume concludes the story of Leodora and Diverus, so don't wait for volume three to come out, because there isn't one. As with its predecessor, the reviews coming in are raves, therefore rather than having me tell you shamelessly that book is exceptional, I'll let them do it:
—Publishers Weekly: "Frost brings the charm of an ancient storyteller and the wit of a contemporary tale-spinner to this dramatic tale, effortlessly manipulating his troupe of mortals and immortals and bringing the truths and myths of Shadowbridge equally to life."
—Paul Witcover, SciFi Weekly: "His pages bristle with the kind of lively energy I associate with Miyazaki films, and his delight in the stories his characters hear and transform and retell is palpable and contagious."
—Fantasy Book Critic: "...not only is Lord Tophet...a richly rewarding experience, it is also one of the few must-read fantasies of the year."
by Gregory Frost
Del Rey Books $14.00
ISBN: 978-0-345-49759-8